Skye’s Sea Kayak Specialists
Welcome to South Skye Sea Kayak, the sea kayak specialists on the Isle of Skye. Skye is one of the best places for kayaking on the West Coast of Scotland and is world renowned for its natural beauty and rich wildlife.
We offer Kayaking Trips and Tours in small groups throughout the South of Skye and Lochalsh, perfect for your Multi-Activity Holiday on the Inner Hebrides..
Paddle along stunning coastlines, get away from it all, go off the beaten track and start your dream adventure. Stop in secluded coves for a picnic, learn to kayak in a relaxed and fun environment all with the backdrop of the Misty Isle.
All our guides and coaches are highly experienced and qualified through the Scottish Canoe Association and British Canoeing, so that you are in safe hands.
Fìor-eòlaichean curaich an Eilein
Fàilte gu South Skye Sea Kayak, na fìor-eòlaichean curaich-mhara air an Eilean. Tha sinn a’ fuireach air aon de na h-àiteachan as fhèarr ann an Alba airson kayakadh agus e ainmeil air feadh an t-saoghail airson a bòidhchead nàdair agus pàilteas de dh’fhiadh-bheatha.Thig còmhla rinn air turas curaich-mhara, ionnsaich sgilean ùra, is gabh tlachd anns a’ mhuir mar phàirt de na saor-làithean agad anns na h-Eileanan a-staigh.
Siubhal na cladaichean is rach air turas-dàna air a’ Ghàidhealtachd.
Tha na h-oidean is luchd-iùil againn uile làn eòlais agus leis na teisteanasan iomchaidh gus am bi sibh sàbhailte is cofhurtail air an turas agaibh. Tha Gàidhlig againn!

This Sea Kayak Taster Session is ideal if you are looking for things to do on Skye and are a bit pressed for time. Try out a kayak mini-adventure for complete beginners. This is perfect for families with children. Sessions run from Armadale on the Sound of Sleat or from Ord on Loch Eishort.

Slow down your holiday and join us for a whole day, for one of the finest sea kayaking journeys in the Highlands and Islands. Our Full Day Kayak Adventures are suitable for complete beginners, but intermediate and advanced tours for more experienced kayakers are also available.

Develop your Sea Kayak Skills and Confidence, whether you are looking for an Introduction to Sea Kayaking, learn Sea Kayak Basics or expand into the Moderate or Rough Water. Take your kayaking to the next level while enjoying the Skye scenery. Skye offers everything from flat calm waters, moderate water, rough seas and tide races.

Pack your tent, a nice bottle of wine and some delicious food into your kayak and go off on a wilderness adventure to explore the Isle of Skye. We will journey along the coast, camp on remote beaches and enjoy the evening sun, have a good night’s sleep and then continue to explore the coast. Does this sound like the kind of thing you would like to do? Come and join us!

Discover the Isle of Skye in 5 Days of kayaking. We will explore different locations in the North of Skye as well as the South, travel along sea caves, islands, tide races, wildlife and stunning scenery. Locations may include Loch Bracadale, Loch Scavaig and Loch Coruisk, Rubha Hunish and the North End, Raasay, Lochalsh and the Sound of Sleat.

Enjoy an exclusive kayak day just for you and your family or group. Perfect for your honeymoon, great for family days out in Skye or for bespoke kayak tours. You can visit like Eilean Donan Castle in Lochalsh or Loch Coruisk, Loch Scavaig and Loch Bracadale. Book a private day for your own special adventure. Also available in Gaelic!

Treat your loved ones with a truly unforgettable experience and let them choose the date when it suits them. We can make you a beautiful voucher to give to friends, family or colleagues. Continue here to find out more.
Basic Kayak Skills for Safe Paddling
What skills do you need to go kayaking on your own or with friends? Kayaking is a wonderful sport and lets you see remote places, wildlife, gets you across to islands and can even be used for fishing. However, a few key techniques are needed to make sure you don’t end up needing the lifeboat out. Let’s look at those skills…
A Full Day Kayak Adventure on Loch Eishort
Loch Eishort in the south of the Isle of Skye must be one of the finest kayaking locations in Scotland. It’s a perfect place for beginners, but is just as beautiful for experts. The views from the west side of Sleat are breathtaking, with turquoise waters, white sands and the rugged, pointy mountain peaks of the Cuillin for a backdrop. Read more….
Sea Kayak Taster on the Sound of Sleat
If you have never tried out sea kayaking, there’s no better place than the Isle of Skye on the West Coast of Scotland. The south of the island is gentle and so close to the mainland that you get calm conditions, ideal for trying something new. No need to be a good swimmer or Ironman, we do our best to stay in the boat and out of the water.

Read more of our Blog for tips and trips about Sea Kayaking on Skye.
31/10/24 We are now closed for the winter. We will be taking some time off to recharge our batteries, but we’ll also be working on a great programme of courses, expeditions and day trips for 2025. Keep your eyes peeled for next year’s dates and our end of season sale.
South Skye Sea Kayak Limited: SC597121
3 Kilmore, Teangue, Isle of Skye, IV44 8RG, Scotland
07592059577 (Not often available – Please Book Online or email)